I might not have mentioned it on this website yet, but I like to use IQTELL to manage all my tasks and to basically help myselft get things done.
If you are not sure what the heck IQTELL is, this should sum it up: It is web-based software that allows you to keep track of tasks, emails, notes and everything else related to getting things done and reaching your goals in both life and business.
It is software that helps you follow the Getting Things Done way of life, basically.
Well, I logged into the site today and they have a very nice looking update that they just released, which makes their interface look a bit more clean and easier to understand. I like it a lot better than what I was looking at yesterday, this is a good update. In addition to the new look, there are some new interface features that make life a little easier as well. Watch the video to check it out.
If you are looking for a way to keep track of all the stuff that needs to get done in your life, I would recommend reading the book Getting Things Done and then sign up for IQTELL to help you manage the systems you learn about in the book.